22th Weekly Mock Test ANM GNM 2024 [Part-III]

Welcome to your 22th Weekly Mock Test ANM GNM 2024 [Part-III]

এই চিত্রটিতে মোট কতগুলি ত্রিভুজ রয়েছে ?

এই চিত্রটিতে মোট কতগুলি ত্রিভুজ রয়েছে ?

এই চিত্রটিতে মোট কতগুলি ত্রিভুজ রয়েছে ?

এই চিত্রটিতে মোট কতগুলি ত্রিভুজ রয়েছে ?

এই চিত্রটিতে মোট কতগুলি ত্রিভুজ রয়েছে ?

এই চিত্রটিতে মোট কতগুলি ত্রিভুজ রয়েছে ?

এই চিত্রটিতে মোট কতগুলি ত্রিভুজ রয়েছে ?

এই চিত্রটিতে মোট কতগুলি ত্রিভুজ রয়েছে ?

এই চিত্রটিতে মোট কতগুলি ত্রিভুজ রয়েছে ?

এই চিত্রটিতে মোট কতগুলি ত্রিভুজ রয়েছে ?

What day would it be on 1 september 2020?

1st January 2018 was a Monday. Which of the following years will also start on a Monday?

11 January 2018 is a Thursday. On which day will 11 June 2019 fall?

Akarsh's birthday is on Saturday 29th July. On what day of the week will be Ojas's Birthday in the same year if Ojas was born on 12th August?

3rd January 2018 was a Wednesday. Which of the following years will also have 3rd January on a Wednesday?

Divyansh's birthday is on Sunday 16th July. On what day of the week will be Shaan's Birthday in the same year if Shaan was born on 1st August?

What day would it be on 15th March 2020?

If 1st January 2013 was Tuesday, then what day of the week will be 31st December 2013?

How many days in 4 years?

The calendar of year 1856 is same as which year?

Two positions of a cube are shown below. What will come opposite to face containing δ?

Study the following figures and find out the number opposite to 2.

Four-position of a dice are given below. Identify the number at the bottom when the number on the top is 2.

A dice is thrown four times and its four different positions are given below. Find the number on the face opposite the face showing 2.

Study the following figures and find out the number opposite to 3.

Four position of a dice are given below. Identify the number at the bottom when the number on the top is 2.

From the following two different appearance of a dice, which number lies to the opposite of 2?

Which number appear in the face opposite to the face with number 4?

Study the 3 different positions of a cube given below and answer what number comes opposite to 2?

Position of Dices is given below: Identify the number when top is 5 what will be at bottom?

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting along a circle and facing at the centre. P is between T and S. U is between Q and V. Q is 2nd to the right of T. Which of the following is the correct position of V?

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting along a circle and facing at the centre. P is between T and S. U is between Q and V. Q is 2nd to the right of T. Which of the following is the correct statement?

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting along a circle and facing at the centre. P is between T and S. U is between Q and V. Q is 2nd to the right of T. What is the position of R?

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting along a circle and facing at the centre. P is between T and S. U is between Q and V. Q is 2nd to the right of T. Which of the following pair has its first member sitting second to the right of the second member?

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting along a circle and facing at the centre. P is between T and S. U is between Q and V. Q is 2nd to the right of T. Which of the following is the wrong statement?

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting along a circle facing the centre. P is between V and S. R, who is 2nd to the right of S is between Q and U. Q is not the neighbour of T. Which of the following is the correct statement?

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting along a circle facing the centre. P is between V and S. R, who is 2nd to the right of S is between Q and U. Q is not the neighbour of T. Who is between R and U?

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting along a circle facing the centre. P is between V and S. R, who is 2nd to the right of S is between Q and U. Q is not the neighbour of T. Which of the following is the wrong statement?

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting along a circle facing the centre. P is between V and S. R, who is 2nd to the right of S is between Q and U. Q is not the neighbour of T. Which of the following pairs has 2nd member sitting to the immediate right of the first member?

Eight executives J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting around a circular table for a meeting. J is second to the right of P who is third to the right of K. M is second to the left of O who sits between P and J. L is not a neighbour of K or N. Who is to the immediate left of L?

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