Blood Relation Logical Reasoning MCQs ANM GNM

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সন্দীপ বলল, “সন্তোষের মা হল আমার মায়ের একমাত্র কন্যা।" সন্দীপ, সন্তোষের কে হন?

অর্ণবকে দেখিয়ে মমতা বলল, “তার ভাইয়ের বাবা হল আমার ঠাকুরদার একমাত্র পুত্র।” মমতা, অর্ণবের কে হন?

ফোটোতে একজনকে দেখিয়ে রমা বলল, “সে হল আমার মায়ের একমাত্র পুত্রের একমাত্র কন্যা।” ওই মহিলা রমার কে হন ?

S হল A-এর ভাইয়ের স্ত্রী এবং F-এর পুত্রবধূ। D হল A-এর একমাত্র ভাই এবং D হল K-এর বাবা। S, K-এর কে হন ?

একজন মহিলাকে ফোটোতে দেখিয়ে ভদ্রমহিলা বলল, ‘আমার কোনো ভাই-বোন নেই, কিন্তু ওই ভদ্রমহিলার মা হল আমার মায়ের কন্যা।” ফটোটি কার?

চন্দ্রাএকটি ছেলেকে দেখিয়ে বল, " ছেলেটি আমার কাকার বাবার মেয়ের ছেলে" | ছেলেটি চন্দ্রার কে হয়?

91. A হল B এর কাকা | P হল B এর মা, যেখানে X হল P এর শশুর | M হল X এর দ্বিতীয় পুত্রের কন্যা | M এর বাবা A এর কে হয় ?

B এর ভাই A, C এর ভাই B | C, D এর স্বামী এবং A এর পিতা E হলে, E, D এর কে হয়?

একটি মহিলাকে দেখিয়ে রহিমা বলল, " মহিলাটি হল আমার মায়ের ছেলের বাবার বোন" | মহিলাটি রহিমার কে হয়?

A and B are brothers. C and D are sisters. A's son is D's brother. How is B related to C ?

A is son of C while C and Q are the sisters to one another. Z is the mother of Q. If P is the son of Z, Which one of the following statements is correct ?

Pointing at a photo, Dinesh said, "His father is only son of my mother." The photo belongs to- :

Looking at a portrait of a man, Sanjay said, "His mother is the wife of my father's son. Brothers and sisters I have none." At whose portrait was Sanjay Looking.

A man said to a lady, "The son of your only brother is the brother of my wife." What is the lady to the man.

If A is the brother of B and K, D is the the mother of B and E is the father of A. Which one of the following statement is not definitely true ?

Introducing a lady, a man said, "Her mother is the only daughter of my mother-in-law." What is the man to the lady ?

Introducing a woman, a man said, "Her mother's husband's sister is my aunt." How man is related to the woman ?

Leela, who is Sohan's daughter, says to Latika, "Your mother Alka is the younger sister of my father who is the third child of Gajanan." What is the relation of Gajanan to Latika ?

Old man's son is my son's uncle, then what relation has the old man with me ?

Akash said to Mohit, "That boy in blue shirt is younger of the two brothers of the daughter of my father's wife." How is the boy in the blue shirt related to Akash ?

Arun said, "This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother." Who is Arun to the girl?

Pointing to Ketan, Namarata Said, "He is the son of my father's only son." How Ketan's mother related to Namarata?

A, B and C are sisters, D is the brother of E and E is the daughter of B. How is A related to D ?

P's father is Q's son. M is the paternal uncle of P and N is the Brother of Q. How is N related to M ?

A girl introduced a boy as the son of the daughter of father of her uncle. The boy is girl's :

Suresh's sister is the wife of Ram. Ram is Rani's brother. Ram's father is Madhur. Sheetal is Ram's grandmother. Rema is Sheetal's daughter-in-law. Rohit is Rani's brother's son. Who is Rohit to Suresh ?

Vinod introduces Vishal as the son of the only brother of his father's wife. How is Vinod related to Vishal ?

Pointing to a man, Roshani said that his wife is the only daughter-in-law of my father-in-law Mohan. How is the man related to Mohan?

Pointing to a photograph of a boy Suresh said, "He is the son of the only son of my mother." How is Suresh related to that boy?

If A + B means A is the mother of B; A - B means A is the brother B; A % B means A is the father of B and A x B means A is the sister of B, which of the following shows that P is the maternal uncle of Q?

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