Homonyms MCQs

Welcome to your Homonyms MCQs

Read the below two sentences and select the correct option . I) The waives rose sky high when the storm blew. (II) Government has at last agreed to wave excise duty on cloth.

Read the below two sentences and select the correct option . I) She is vain of her wealth.. (II) All the veins carry blood to heart.

Read the below two sentences and select the correct option . I)In ancient times, prisoners of war were made vassals. (II) Empty vessels make much noise.

Read the below two sentences and select the correct option . I) At last, he wreaked vengeance by killing his enemy. (II) The fury of the storm wrecked many houses.

Read the below two sentences and select the correct option . I) voters should be concerned about his voracity and character. (II) It is very difficult to verify the veracity of her statement since she is very clever.

Read the below two sentences and select the correct option . I) Variance in his blood pressure worried the doctors. (II) My views are always at variation with my father's.

Read the below two sentences and select the correct option . I) Singing is both his vocation and avocation.. (II) But she has now found her avocation with Wiltshire Ambulance Service

Read the below two sentences and select the correct option . I) India is a country teaming with natural resources (II) His name has not been included in the college cricket teem.

Read the below two sentences and select the correct option . I) Please do not tamper with my papers. (II) One must not lose one's temper.

Read the below two sentences and select the correct option . I) What he says is all shame. (II) He felt sham at having told a lie.

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